Lara Briden's healthy hormone updates
Hi everyone. In this special birth control issue of Updates, I take a close look at two kinds of IUDs, and ask the question "Are pill bleeds the same as real periods?" [3 minute animation].  Even if you don't need birth control yourself, someone you love probably does. Please share

The Pros and Cons of the Mirena IUD

I’d love for everyone to be able to choose non-hormonal birth control such as Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), but twenty years of clinical work has made me a realist. Some women prefer an easier method such as the copper IUD (see my last post). And some women like the flow-reducing effect of the hormonal IUD (Mirena or Skyla). I’ll go further and say that some women need that flow-reducing effect. Continue reading...

Endometriosis treatments

The Pros and Cons of the Copper IUD

The copper IUD (coil) is one of the few non-hormonal methods of birth control we have. From a natural health perspective, it’s not as appealing as Fertility Awareness Method, Daysy, condoms, or cervical cap—but it’s certainly worth considering.

Should you consider it? Continue reading...

Watch : Why birth control can never regulate periods [3 minute animation]
Why Birth Control Can Never Regulate Periods
My book is available from Amazon and iTunes
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Next week: Coming Off Hormonal Birth Control  [90 minuute webinar]
Coming off birth control
Some of my best period repair tips in this guest blog for Clue period app.  
Natural period repair
My next Sydney clinic dates are: June 16-25, and then Sept 15-24.

I also offer Skype consults. 

Phone: +61 2 8011 1994
Consult with me
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